Tokyo Metropolitan University full-time faculty recruitment

We will be hiring full-time faculty members at Tokyo Metropolitan University as listed below. If you wish to be hired, please apply according to the recruitment guidelines.

Please note that we will continue to update the recruitment information for the necessary teachers from time to time.

Public recruitment list

Affiliated faculty/course name, etc. Expertise position Recruiting personnel Hiring time
Admission Information Application deadline
Faculty of System Design, Department of Aerospace Systems Engineering Any field related to system design in aerospace engineering (satellite architecture/trajectory design, optimal design/aerodynamic design of aircraft/space transport systems, etc.), materials/structural engineering (control of the structure and organization of metals, ceramics, composite materials, etc.), traffic management (passenger aircraft, drones/flying cars, space debris, etc.) Teaching assistant 1 people As soon as possible after August 2025, 8 Details 2025/4/30 (must arrive)
[Chi no Miyako Project] Depending on the area of ​​expertise of the recipient, the recipient will belong to one of the faculties, graduate schools, centers, etc. All fields including humanities, social sciences and natural sciences Teaching assistant Just a few As soon as possible after October 2025, 5 Details 2025/2/10 (must arrive)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Humanities French literature, French culture, French thought, French language studies Teaching assistant 1 people 2025/10/1 Details 2025/3/17 (must arrive)
Faculty of Law, Department of Law, Law Course 行政法 教授 1 people 2026/4/1
Details 2025/1/24 (must arrive)
Faculty of Urban Environment, Department of Environmental Applied Chemistry Advanced catalytic reactions (electrochemistry, energy chemistry, catalytic chemistry) Teaching assistant 1 people As soon as possible after April 2025, 9 Details 2025/3/17 (must arrive)
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Department of Economics and Business Administration Finance or mathematical science/quantitative analysis related to finance Teaching assistant 1 people As soon as possible after April 2025, 10 Details 2025/4/18 (must arrive)

Download submission form

Entry Guidelines

document form Download file
Japanese English
Appended No. 3 Form 1 Resume (Form 3-1 Curriculum Vitae) PDF WORD PDF WORD
Form 3-2 Education and Research Performance List PDF WORD PDF WORD
Form 3-3 Explanation of Representative Research Achievements PDF WORD PDF WORD
Form 3-4 Education and Instruction Performance List PDF WORD PDF WORD
Form 3-5 External Funding Performance List PDF WORD PDF WORD
Form 3-6 Social Contribution Performance List PDF WORD PDF WORD
Form 3-7 Research Plan PDF WORD PDF WORD

*You only need to submit what is specified in the application guidelines.
 In addition, the handling may differ depending on the recruitment, so please check the individual recruitment guidelines for details.

Regarding the personnel system for university teachers


About term of office

There is no fixed term (except for project-type appointments).

Associate professor

About term of office

There is no fixed term (except for project-type appointments).

About promotion

Even if you are currently employed, you can apply for job openings for faculty at our university.
In addition, we have a system in which internal promotions are granted through selection for those who meet the promotion eligibility requirements prescribed by the university.

Teaching assistant

About term of office

The term of office is within five years. You will be reappointed after a review in the fifth year of your term of office, and you will be employed without a fixed term after a review in your 10th year (the number of years of your term of office and whether or not there will be a reappointment review will differ depending on the field of recruitment.The term of office is stated in the individual recruitment guidelines. Please confirm.).

About promotion

Even if you are currently employed, you can apply for job openings for faculty at our university.

Initiatives for diversity

*The term of appointment is until the end of the fiscal year in which the applicant reaches the age of 65.
*Our university promotes diversity in order to become a university where diverse people can participate in all university activities and be equally respected, regardless of gender, disability, cultural differences, etc. Masu. <HP link>

Promotion of gender equality

 Our university has various systems in place to help people balance work and family life, such as support systems for pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and nursing care, a research support system for realizing a life-work balance, and publication of role model collections. Masu. Please see the link for details. <HP link>

Introducing systems to support work-life balance such as pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare.

 This page summarizes the campus systems related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and nursing care that are available to faculty and staff at our university. <HP link>


Inquiries regarding general recruitment

General Affairs Department, Human Resources Division, Personnel Systems Section
TEL 042-677-1111 (inside) 1028 *Reception hours by phone: Weekdays from 9:6 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.
(Please change ● to @ when sending an e-mail.)

Inquiries regarding specialized fields

Contact information listed in each recruitment guideline