[Electronic bidding/specific procurement projects] 118 Use of Web of Science (long-term continuing contract)

Order schedule

Item Item content
Contract number 3801 East Public Law General Assembly Agreement No. XNUMX
Reference number 118
Business item Business line 1 001 Stationery and office supplies/books Handling items 1 11. Books and magazines (including electronic)
Business line 2 Handling items 2
Business line 3 Handling items 3
Business line 4 Handling items 4
Business line 5 Handling items 5
Subject Use of Web of Science (long-term continuous contract)
place of fulfillment 1-1 Minami-Osawa, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo Tokyo Metropolitan University Minami-Osawa Campus and other locations
Overview As per specifications
English follows as Summary(Attached PDF file)
fulfillment period From April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2028
Bidding method [Goods, etc.] General competitive bidding
Rating "A"
Request request condition 1 Must be eligible to participate in competitive bidding for purchases of goods in Tokyo for fiscal 2020 and 2020.
Request request condition 2 Tokyo Bidding Eligibility: Bidders must be registered in business category 001 "Stationery and office supplies/books" and product category 11 "Books and magazines (including electronic)" and be rated as "A".
Request request condition 3 The applicant must not be under the period of suspension of nomination based on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Guidelines for Suspension of Nomination of Persons Qualified to Participate in Competitive Bidding and suspension of transactions based on the Guidelines for Suspension of Contract Transactions, etc. for Tokyo Public University Corporations.
Request request condition 4 A person who can meet the specifications. (If the contract conditions are specified, those conditions must be met.)
Request request condition 5 Any person who has a capital or personal relationship with the bidders may not participate in the bid.
Request request condition 6 Persons who are not qualified to participate in the 2020 5th and 6th fiscal year competitive bidding for goods purchases, etc. in Tokyo and wish to apply for participation in this bid must apply for participation in competitive bidding for goods purchases, etc.
Scheduled bid opening date and time Thursday, February 6, 2025 15:00
Request period From 10:00 on December 27, 2024 to 17:00 on January 10, 2025
Place of request ・Business opportunities・Navi
・If brought in or by mail, etc.
 192-0397 Minami-Osawa, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 1-1 Tokyo Metropolitan University Minami-Osawa Campus Headquarters Building XNUMXF General Affairs Department Accounting Management Division Contract Section
Person in charge (I.e.
Documents to be submitted ① Request form in the form below
②Copy of Tokyo Metropolitan Government's 2020 5th and 6th year reception slip (including seal registration certificate)
[Hereinafter, if you are not eligible to participate in the bidding in Tokyo and wish to participate in this project]
③ Bid participation qualification application form
④Certified copy of commercial/trade name register (original)
⑤Financial statements (balance sheet/income statement)
[See below if you wish to participate in paper bidding]
⑥Request for participation in bidding via paper bidding
(Please obtain the formats for ③ and ⑥ from our website (https://www.houjin-tmu.ac.jp/keiyaku/seido).)
Contact Telephone: 042-677-1111 (ext. 1054)
Handouts, etc.

3801_Hope vote 3801_Specifications 3801_Tender instructions 3801_Summary

Remarks ・If the competition participant is a tax-exempt business entity related to consumption tax and local consumption tax, please apply to that effect.
- Even if you submit a request form, it does not necessarily mean that you will be able to receive confirmation of your eligibility to participate in the bid.
The date for accepting questions regarding specifications will be set separately and will be notified to you along with the results of the bidder eligibility review.