1. Purpose of installation
For the purpose of early detection and correction of misconduct, etc. at the Tokyo Metropolitan Public University Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation"), we have established a point of contact for responding to public interest reports.
2 What is public interest reporting?
This refers to a report by a faculty member, etc. that a legal violation has occurred or is about to occur in a corporation, and is not intended for any fraudulent purpose such as obtaining fraudulent profits.
3. Person who can make a report
- Faculty and staff (including temporary staff)
- Dispatch workers engaged in the business of this corporation
- A person who engages in the business of this corporation based on a contract or other contract.
4 Protection of whistleblowers, etc.
Whistleblowers will not be treated disadvantageously for making a report. In the unlikely event that any disadvantage occurs, we will take recovery measures.
In addition, if a whistleblower makes a false report, a report that slanders another person, or any other report for illegal purposes, he or she may be subject to disciplinary action according to the employment regulations.
5 How to report
Please provide your name and contact information and report by telephone, email, fax, in writing, or in person.
6 Reporting desk
(We apologize for the inconvenience, but when sending an email, please replace ● in the address below with @.)
- Internal reporting desk
Person in charge: Audit and Internal Control Section, General Affairs Division, General Affairs Department
Address 192-0397 Minamiosawa, Hachioji City, Tokyo XNUMX-XNUMX
Phone: 042-677-2243 / Fax: 042-677-3139
Email address houjin-kansa●jmj.tmu.ac.jp
- External reporting desk
Person in charge: Attorney Ryo Nagao (Marunouchi Minami Law Office)
Address: Marunouchi Nakadori Building 100, 0005-2-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, 3-717
Telephone 03-3215-1515 (Reception hours weekdays 10:00-17:00) / Fax 03-3216-0404
Email address nagaor●jcom.zaq.ne.jp
7 Corporate regulations, etc.
Tokyo Public University Corporation Whistleblower Protection Regulations
Regulations regarding investigation procedures, etc. related to public interest reports in Tokyo public university corporations
Whistleblower protection system website (Consumer Affairs Agency)